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Who says Linux cannot be beautiful? Today we’ll be going over the top 10 best Linux docks that you must try. By the way, if you haven’t already done so, make sure you read our article on the for you.

谁说Linux不能漂亮? 今天,我们将介绍您必须尝试的十大最佳Linux扩展坞。 顺便说一句,如果您还没有这样做,请确保已阅读了有关的文章。

您必须尝试的最佳Linux坞站快速列表 (Quick List of the Best Linux Docks That You Must Try)

  1. Docky – Best Linux dock for a MacOS-like feel

    Docky –最佳的Linux基座,具有MacOS般的感觉
  2. Tint2 – Linux dock for customization Geeks

    Tint2 –用于定制极客的Linux扩展坞
  3. Cairo Dock – Most advanced and fully-featured GUI Linux dock

    Cairo Dock –最先进且功能齐全的GUI Linux Dock
  4. DockBarX – Best Linux dock for XFCE users

    DockBarX – XFCE用户的最佳Linux扩展坞
  5. Latte Dock – Easy to use and highly customizable Linux Dock

    Latte Dock –易于使用且高度可定制的Linux Dock
  6. Plank Dock – Easiest to use Linux Dock

    Plank Dock –最容易使用的Linux Dock
  7. Avant Window Navigator – Old and most configurable Linux Dock

    Avant Window Navigator –最古老且可配置最多的Linux Dock
  8. i3status – Best Linux Dock for command-line fans

    i3status –命令行爱好者的最佳Linux扩展坞
  9. lemonbar – Most lightweight Linux Dock

    lemonbar –最轻量的Linux Dock
  10. KSmoothDock – Best Linux Dock for KDE users

    KSmoothDock –适用于KDE用户的最佳Linux Dock

1. Docky –类似于MacOS的Linux Dock (1. Docky – MacOS-Like Linux Dock)

Docky Linux
Docky Linux
Docky Linux

Do you love the dock on macOS but also are very loyal to Linux? Fret not because Docky solves this for you. This is the best Linux dock that will give you a macOS like feel while working on Linux.

您是否喜欢macOS上的底座,但也非常忠于Linux? 不用担心,因为Docky为您解决了这个问题。 这是最好的Linux基座,可以在Linux上工作时带给您macOS的感觉。

Who should use Docky? – People who want an out of the box, easy to use experience (and also those who love the macOS Dock)

谁应该使用Docky? –想要开箱即用,易于使用的体验的人(以及喜欢macOS Dock的人)



2. Tint2 –定制底座 (2. Tint2 – Dock for Customization)

Tint2 Linux Dock
Tint2 Linux Dock
Tint2 Linux扩展坞

Don’t underestimate the Tint2 dock by just this screenshot above. This is the best Linux dock for customization and can literally be configured to look and feel the way you want. You’re only limited by your imagination and command-line skills when configuring this Linux dock for your system.

不要仅仅通过上面的截图低估Tint2基座。 这是最适合自定义的Linux扩展坞,并且可以按照实际需要进行配置,以使其外观和风格得到满足。 在为系统配置此Linux扩展坞时,您仅受想象力和命令行技能的限制。

You can download Tint2 directly with the use of your package manager. But if you’re adventurous and would like to compile from source, you can use the link below.

您可以使用程序包管理器直接下载Tint2。 但是,如果您喜欢冒险并且想从源代码进行编译,则可以使用下面的链接。

Who should use tint2? – Customization nerds who love the look of beautiful text and font-icons (font-awesome anyone?) with the ability to customize the entire dock from scratch.

谁应该使用tint2? –喜欢漂亮的文字和字体图标外观的自定义书呆子(可真赞吗?),可以从头开始定制整个基座。



3. Cairo Dock –高级GUI Linux Dock (3. Cairo Dock – Advanced GUI Linux Dock)

Cairo Linux Dock Official
Source: Official Website – Cairo Linux Dock
来源:官方网站– Cairo Linux Dock

If you want something that has all the bells and whistles and configuration options, while still being easy to use for a beginner, this is the dock you need. All of these options are configurable with the use of the dock preferences.

如果您想要具有所有功能和配置选项的东西,同时仍然易于初学者使用,那么这就是您需要的底座。 所有这些选项都可以通过使用扩展坞首选项进行配置。

The default set up is good too, but with the features and configuration options provided by this dock, you might not want to look at anything else.


Who should use Cairo Dock? – People who want a highly configurable dock, without having to tinker with code or command line.

谁应该使用开罗码头? –想要高度可配置的扩展坞而无需修改代码或命令行的人。



4. DockBarX – XFCE的最佳Linux Dock (4. DockBarX – Best Linux Dock for XFCE)

DockBarX Linux Dock
DockBarX Linux Dock
DockBarX Linux扩展坞

So this dock is not limited to XFCE users but it certainly is the most popular among them. One thing to note is that if all you want is a default dock with icons that launch applications, the XFCE Panels are more than enough for the job.

因此,该扩展坞不仅限于XFCE用户,它当然是其中最受欢迎的。 需要注意的一件事是,如果您只需要一个带有启动应用程序图标的默认扩展坞,那么XFCE面板就足以完成任务。

The DockBarX offers additional features that the XFCE Panels don’t; like identifying which app windows are open with some icon-hinting or showing app-specific menus wherever available.

DockBarX提供了XFCE面板不提供的其他功能。 例如通过一些图标提示来标识打开了哪些应用程序窗口,或在可用时显示特定于应用程序的菜单。

Who should use DockBarX? – If you’re an XFCE fan, but aren’t satisfied with the XFCE Panel’s functionalities, DockBarX is the dock you should choose.

谁应该使用DockBarX? –如果您是XFCE爱好者,但对XFCE面板的功能不满意,则应该选择DockBarX。



5. Latte Dock –易用性与功能之间的平衡 (5. Latte Dock – Balance of Ease of Use and Features)

Latte Dock Linux
Source: Official Github – Latte Dock Linux
来源:Github官方– Latte Dock Linux

Based on the plasma frameworks, Latte dock offers an intuitive experience for your open tasks and widgets. The content is animated with the use of parabolic zoom and the dock also features auto-hide to save screen space.

基于等离子框架,拿铁底座可为您的打开任务和小部件提供直观的体验。 内容通过使用抛物线缩放进行动画处理,底座还具有自动隐藏功能,以节省屏幕空间。

This dock was made with the K Desktop Environment in mind so most of the features work right out of the box on KDE. As it is with any Linux package, this dock can run on any other desktop environment, provided you configure it and provide it with the dependencies to run.

该扩展坞是在考虑K桌面环境的情况下完成的,因此大多数功能都可以在KDE上直接使用。 与任何Linux软件包一样,此扩展坞可以在任何其他桌面环境上运行,只要您对其进行配置并为其提供要运行的依赖项。

Who should use Latte Dock? People who are KDE users and love the beauty and features that the desktop environment offers and would love their dock to have similar features out of the box

谁应该使用拿铁码头? 那些是KDE用户并且热爱桌面环境所提供的美丽和功能的人,并且希望他们的扩展坞具有类似的开箱即用功能



6. Plank Dock –最简单的Linux Dock (6. Plank Dock – Easiest Linux Dock)

Plank Linux Dock Default
Plank Linux Dock Default
Plank Linux Dock默认

Did we say easiest? Yes, we did. This is actually the easiest Linux dock to set up and get started with. Not everyone is interested in configuring a lot of options just to get a dock show up correctly on their systems.

我们说的最简单吗? 是的我们做了。 实际上,这是最简单的Linux基座设置和入门。 并非所有人都对配置许多选项感兴趣,只是为了使扩展坞正确显示在他们的系统上。

Though most of the Linux docks that we talked about above also work out of the box, but the sheer number of features and options make them really advanced for someone who just wants something to work.


With just the right amount of configuration options, this dock makes it easy for its users to build beautiful Linux docks.


Who should use Plank Dock? People who want easy-to-use, and out-of-the-box good looking dock which simply fits right into the current system theme.

谁应该使用木板码头? 想要易于使用且开箱即用的美观底座的用户可以轻松地适合当前系统主题。



7. Avant Window Navigator –最古老的Linux码头之一 (7. Avant Window Navigator – One of the Oldest Linux Docks)

Avant Window Navigator Linux Dock AWN
Avant Window Navigator Linux Dock AWN
Avant Window Navigator Linux Dock AWN

Just because it’s the oldest, doesn’t make it ugly or out-dated. In fact, it’s a very feature-rich, stable, and tried and tested Linux dock. If you are someone who loves stability over everything else, then you won’t go wrong with the AWN Linux dock.

仅仅因为它是最古老的,就不会使其变得丑陋或过时。 实际上,它是功能非常丰富,稳定且经过实践检验的Linux扩展坞。 如果您是一个热爱稳定的人,那么AWN Linux扩展坞将不会出错。

The number of years it took to mature have made the code robust and you can use all of its features without breaking the dock.


Who should use Avant Window Navigator? People who love tried and tested technology.

谁应该使用Avant Window Navigator? 喜欢久经考验的技术的人。



8. i3status –命令行风扇的最佳Linux扩展坞 (8. i3status – Best Linux Dock for Command-Line Fans)

I3status Linux Dock 1
I3status Linux Dock
I3status Linux扩展坞

The i3status is like an empty slate. You decide exactly what goes on it from start to finish. You decide on which side of the screen it sticks, the size of the bar, the colors that it uses, the fonts that are used, everything.

i3status就像一块空板。 您可以确定从开始到结束的确切过程。 您可以决定它在屏幕的哪一侧粘贴,条形的大小,其使用的颜色,所使用的字体以及所有内容。

Initially built for i3-Window Manager, this status bar was liked and accepted by many users using other window managers. If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice how there’s a section that you can define for each element that’s visible on the bar.

最初是为i3-Window Manager构建的,此状态栏受到许多使用其他窗口管理器的用户的喜欢和接受。 如果查看上面的屏幕截图,您会注意到如何为栏上可见的每个元素定义一个区域。

Who should use i3status? – Command-line fans who want to display nerdy outputs of different commands on their docks.

谁应该使用i3status? –希望在扩展坞上显示不同命令的讨厌输出的命令行爱好者。



9. lemonbar –轻量级Linux Dock (9. lemonbar – Lightweight Linux Dock)

Lemonbar Linux Dock
Lemonbar Linux Dock
Lemonbar Linux扩展坞

This is yet another bar that allows the configuration of each of the elements while being really lightweight on the system resources.


Who should use lemonbar? People who want to keep their system lightweight and functional at the same time.

谁应该使用柠檬水? 想要同时保持系统轻巧和功能的人。



10. KSmoothDock –为KDE用户构建的最佳Linux Dock (10. KSmoothDock – Best Linux Dock Built for KDE Users)

KSmoothDock Linux Dock
KSmoothDock Linux Dock
KSmoothDock Linux基座

This KDE specific dock can be extended with the use of KDE Plasma widgets. This Linux dock has a lot of UI animations and transitions with which you can make it look and feel attractive.

可以使用KDE Plasma小部件来扩展此KDE特定的扩展坞。 这个Linux基座具有许多UI动画和过渡效果,您可以使它们看起来和感觉有吸引力。

Not everyone would love this dock as it’s really heavy on the system due to the number of dependencies that it has. But for those who are not concerned with the resource usage, and just want a lot of animations, this is your go-to Linux dock.

并不是每个人都会喜欢这个Dock,因为由于它具有大量依赖关系,它在系统上确实很繁重。 但是对于那些不关心资源使用情况而只需要大量动画的人来说,这是您首选的Linux扩展坞。

Who should use KSmoothDock? For people who want to use and try a lot of animations and themes to make their dock look beautiful. NOTE: This dock depends on a lot of KDE packages and if you try to install this on a different desktop environment, you’ll end up installing all those KDE dependencies too.

谁应该使用KSmoothDock? 对于想要使用并尝试许多动画和主题以使其底座看起来很漂亮的人。 注意:该扩展坞依赖于许多KDE软件包,如果尝试将其安装在其他桌面环境上,那么最终也将安装所有这些KDE依赖项。



结论 (Conclusion)

Come to think of it, a dock is a really beautiful addition to your existing Linux desktop setup and with the right dock, you can make your entire setup stand out.


We’ve tried to make sure we add the most popular Linux docks to this article. But let us know which Linux dock you use and like in the comments!

我们试图确保在本文中添加最受欢迎的Linux Dock。 但是,让我们知道您使用哪个Linux基座,并在注释中喜欢它!




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